Buffalo Niagara Film Festival 2017 Selects “The Expediter”

The Expediter has been selected to be included in the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival.

The BNFF is a World-Wide International Film Festival & Market, open to the public, filmmakers, and entertainment professionals abroad.

With the backdrop of Niagara Falls, many Buffalo historical sites, the newly formed BNFF Walk Of Fame “Trail Of The Stars” and vast wine country, the BNFF has become one of the most enjoyable places to not only promote your films and screenplays at but also one of the best places in the country to visit and have a great time as well.

The Expediter will be shown September 22 at 7:30 PM and September 23 at 7 PM at the Four Seasons Cinema in Niagara Falls.

Be sure to attend the festival. More information about the festival here: http://thebnff.com/about-2/